HappyFunTimes Docs

The Basics of HappyFunTimes and Unity

HappyFunTimes library that lets you make games that use smartphones as controllers. The games can be created in HTML5 or Unity3D (more coming).

HappyFunTimes only provides the communications. It does not provide controller implementations (the part that runs on the phone) though there are many samples you can start from. In fact if you want to get started quick as possible see the included gamepads. Otherwise the following covers the basics of how to make everything custom.

HappyFunTimes also does not supply a game engine. That's what Unity3D is for.

Open the simple example

The closest example to the code below is contained in the simple scene in Assets/HappyFunTimes/MoreSamples/Simple/Scenes/HappyFunTimesSimpleExample Inside you'll find ExampleSimpleSpawner that contains the PlayerSpawner mentioned below. Similarly you'll find it spawns a prefab called PrefabForExampleSimple that contains a script ExampleSimplePlayer that is very similar to the code below.

For the JavaScript parts look inside Assets/WebPlayerTemplates/HappyFunTimes/controllers/simple/scripts/controller.js

How it works

When a player connects the HappyFunTimes script PlayerSpawner spawns prefab in your game and calls the InitializeNetPlayer method in any scripts attached to that prefab. InitializeNetPlayer is passed a NetPlayer object. That object can be used to send and receive messages from the phone.

Receiving data from the Phone

When your InitializeNetPlayer method is called you can register command handlers by calling NetPlayer.RegisterCmdHandler and passing the name of the command and the function to call when the command arrives from the phone. For example:

private HappyFunTimes.NetPlayer m_netPlayer;

void InitializeNetPlayer(SpawnInfo spawnInfo) {
    // Save the netplayer object so we can use it send messages to the phone
    m_netPlayer = spawnInfo.netPlayer;

    // Register handler to call if the player disconnects from the game.
    m_netPlayer.OnDisconnect += Remove;

    // Setup events for the different messages.
    m_netPlayer.RegisterCmdHandler<MessageColor>("color", OnColor);
    m_netPlayer.RegisterCmdHandler<MessageMove>("move", OnMove);

Here you can see a typical InitializeNetPlayer method in C#. This line

m_netPlayer.RegisterCmdHandler<MessageMove>("move", OnMove);

says when the command "move" comes in, convert the data in that message to a MessageMove class and then call the method OnMove.

The MessageMove class makes all its fields public

private class MessageMove {
    public float x = 0;
    public float y = 0;

The OnMove method looks like this

private void OnMove(MessageMove data) {
    m_position.x = data.x;
    m_position.z = data.y;

    gameObject.transform.localPosition = m_position;

The JavaScript running on the phone looks like this

client.sendCmd('move', {
  x: position.x,
  y: position.y,

Whenever the phone executes that snippet of JavaScript the OnMove method we registered with RegisterCmdHandler will get called.

Note: It's up to you to make up commands appropriate for your game. It's also up to you to decide what data to pass from the phone to the game and create the approriate class and function to receive the data.

Of course you can always start with one of the samples

Sending data to the phone

Sending data to the phone is just the reverse. First we make class to represent the data we want to send.

private class MessageScored {
    public MessageScored(int _points) {
        points = _points;

    public int points;

Then we send it through the NetPlayer object we saved in InitializeNetPlayer.

// Tell the phone it scored 100 points
m_netPlayer.SendCmd("scored", new MessageScored(100));

On the phone a handler must be registered for that command

client.addEventListener('scored', function(data) {
  score += data.points;

Again It's up to you to decide what messages your game needs, make a class to represent that data and write the corresponding JavaScript to receive it.

Handling players Disconnecting

Players will disconnect from the game. Maybe they started talking to someone. Maybe they got a call and stopped playing. Regardless it's up to you to deal with it. This line in your InitializeNetPlayer method says when the player disconnects call the Remove method.

// Register handler to call if the player disconnects from the game.
m_netPlayer.OnDisconnect += Remove;

The sample Remove method looks like this

private void Remove(object sender, EventArgs e) {

That method immediately destroys the prefab that was originally created. It's up to you to decide what is appropriate for your game to do when a player disconnects. For example maybe rather than kill the GameObject you'd like the let AI take over for that player. Or maybe you'd like to keep it around and either let the player reconnect or let some other player use it. It's really up to you.

HappyFunTimes on the phone

If you open Assets/WebPlayerTemplates/HappyFunTimes/controllers/simple/controller.html you'll see the HTML for a sample controller. You can see it includes 3 scripts

<script src="/hft/hft.js"></script>
<script src="/sample-ui/sample-ui.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/controller.js"></script>

hft.js is HappyFunTimes. This script connects the phone to the game. it is the only part 100% required for HappyFunTimes.

It exposes hft.GameClient which you initialize like this

var client = new hft.GameClient();

At at that point you can add handlers and send messages like above.

If you want to display something when the player is disconnected, for example if you stop the game, you can add a handle

client.addEventListener('disconnect', functionToCallWhenDisconnected);

The sample-ui, see below, already handles this message but if you're not using the sample-ui then this is how you check for being disconnected. Other than displaying a message there's not much to do. HappyFunTimes will take care of reconnecting the player if the game restarts.

The sample-ui

All of the sample controllers are based off some code called the "sample-ui". It's just that, a sample. You're free to use it or not. The sample UI manages orientation, fullscreen, letting the player enter a name, etc.. It also has functions for reading touch input etc.. Look at any sample to see how it's used.

A typical example looks like this. First we pull out all the libraries into local variables

var commonUI = sampleUI.commonUI;
var input = sampleUI.input;
var misc = sampleUI.misc;
var mobileHacks = sampleUI.mobileHacks;
var strings = sampleUI.strings;
var touch = sampleUI.touch;

Then after we've created the HFT.GameClient (see above) we call a few functions

commonUI.setupStandardControllerUI(client, globals);

The first one

commonUI.setupStandardControllerUI(client, globals);

Lets the sample-ui look for disconnect and messages related to the player's name

The second line


says "if the player hasn't set their name ask them to enter one". If you're game doesn't need a player name delete that line.

The last line


says show the gear menu in the top right that lets the player change their name If you don't want the menu change this true to false.

Above that in most controllers is this

var globals = {
  debug: false,
  //orientation: "landscape-primary",

The first part just declares some global object to hold various settings

This line


parses the query string into globals. In particular a JSON string assigned to settings so if your controller URL is http://localhost:18679?settings={foo:123,bar:"abc"} then globals.foo will be 123 and globals.bar will be "abc". You can use this during development to pass in stuff for testing etc.

This line


tries to deal with some quirks of mobile browsers.

The last line


tries to disable the context menu. Otherwise if the player holds their finger on the phone its browser menu will pop up asking them if they want to copy etc...

Docs for the sample-ui

The various JavaScript functions of the sample-ui are documented here.

Dealing with the player's name

One other thing the sample-ui does is let the player enter and edit a name. On the C# side there is a corresponding class HFTPlayerNameManager that deals with the messages related to name editing from the sample-ui. To use it create an instance of that class in your InitializeNetPlayer function. For example

private HFTPlayerNameManager m_playerNameManager;

void InitializeNetPlayer(SpawnInfo spawnInfo) {
    // Track name changes
    m_playerNameManager = new HFTPlayerNameManager(m_netPlayer);
    m_playerNameManager.OnNameChange += ChangeName;


private void ChangeName(string name) {
    Debug.Log("new name is: " + name);

Be sure to cleanup when your GameObject is destroyed.

void OnDestroy() {
    if (m_playerNameManager != null) {
      m_playerNameManager = null;


See Make Controllers for a few more details.